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Want To Fix Your Plumbing Problem Fast?

We provide plumbing repair services in and around Wheatland, CA

While you might be able to push off some home repairs for a few days, you should never wait to address a plumbing problem. At first sight of an issue, turn to BG Plumbing. We offer plumbing repair services in Wheatland, CA and beyond.

Our plumbing repair team can fix pipes, troubleshoot water heaters and conduct fixture work. We’ll diagnose the problem, present you with solutions, do the job, walk you through the results and provide maintenance tips.

A great deal of our plumbing work involves unclogging drains. Many inspectors and homeowners partner with us when they want to sell their property. As part of the process, we:

  • Put our cameras into the cleanouts
  • Transfer the footage to a disc
  • Give your home inspector the disc
  • Provide the repair work needed to fix the problem

We have a few snake machines to make unclogging drains quick and easy. Call 530-813-8509 today to discuss your specific situation.

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